Sunday, March 1, 2009

Assignment 2 -- part 3

Perfect pictures for an imperfect world

In this short video, the main idea is Perfect pictures for an imperfect world, which means this world is not perfect. Sometimes, people only use some perfect pictures to cheat themselves, in all the imperfect things, discrimination is the most serious problem in this world.

Discrimination is an unacceptable crime all around the world, no matter what country you come from, discrimination is such a common thing. Although discrimination is against the law in most countries, it is still widespread. One could easily find a news report on TV or the newspaper about racial crimes. Moreover sometimes it might just happen around us. Discrimination comes in many forms, all of which negatively judge a person’s character. They are: racism; discrimination against sexism; religious preference; and even the disabled. It is what makes us unique that is the source of discrimination.

Discrimination of person’s race is unfortunately very common in the U.S, since the U.S is a mixed country. There are lots of African-America, Asians and Europeans in this big country. They possess different mannerisms and different appearances. The most drastic conflict would be between the African-American and the whites. This discrimination began hundreds of years ago. As one can see, they have different skin color, which makes this conflict more obvious as different appearances and customs may cause fear in other populations who view them as “improper” or “weird”. Some whites even think that the blacks are not even humans. Although it sounds ridiculous, it still happens. In some countries, one can always see from the news that some whites shot the blacks or blacks shot the whites, the reasoning behind these actions is usually convoluted and hard to understand. Some people might say that they are just racists (Wikipedia: Making Life Easier); however, no one is a racist at birth. The society changed them, they move to adverse side because they only see the difference between two kinds of people.

Discrimination of sexual orientation is a problem happening all over the world. Now people around the world are all advocating freedom, and sexual orientation should be one of the rights of freedom (Sadimasochists, Push for sexual –orientation right; Charlie Butts, OneNewsNow). Those who choose to be homosexual are still humans, and they need respect as a normal people. Moreover, discrimination also happens against different genders, in the form of misogyny and misandry. Sexual abuse and domestic violence are always happens. They are talked about by people every year, but they are still a problem. For this case, people might say that they abuse their wives because their ancestor did the same thing in the old time, and that is a kind of tradition in some specific area. Although it is true, in this society one still cannot do this for the control of both moralities and laws. Those two kinds of discrimination are sadly picturesque examples to show that discrimination is based on the differences of different people also.

Religious preference is the most serious discrimination, because if people do not stop it, it might cause war (Ferguson, J. (1977) War and peace in the world’s religious). The most famous war that caused by the discrimination of religious preference would be the war between Israel and Palestine. One might know that Jerusalem is the capital city for both Israel and Palestine, since the city of Jerusalem is the saint city for both Christianity and Islam that both sides believe where the religion came from. For this reason, two countries started the war long time ago, because the different religion, both sides want to control the city of Jerusalem. This shows one case of discrimination that based on religious preference. Different ideologies lead people to different ways, which would be a right allegation for the discrimination for religious preference. However, it is still based on the difference, and this time is the different religions.

These main characters in this short video will all be discriminatorily in the real world: women with no breast; deformity; violence. These are all the things around us in our life. No one would like to be the old women in this video – lonely, her husband probably died because of wars, bad diseases. However, nobody cares about these all kinds of things. Government for each country are all put focus on armies; money; gas; oil and hi – tech sometimes. We are all living in this imperfect world, after I saw this video, I really want to say: stop discrimination, stop the war, please, please look all these things. One may say that is something ineluctable, however, nothing is impossible. If everyone tries one’s best, they would have a better life in the future.

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